28 Day Challenge.

One day I will proudly be able to open a blog with our starting " well its been awhile" well all that aside, Things have been going pretty great. Family and house is in order, my daughter was selected for team in a pretty prestigious dance school and oh yea the art, why you guys really come :). Well yesterday I was thinking, I am a Christian, I love comics and art, why not combine the three? Most things that come of out the christian wood works are soft and gentle. With no direction and dedication to the arts, I was wondering what would happen if I took the information I have studied, the things I enjoy and applied it to the Word of God, what would happen? The 28 Day Challenge inspired me to do these works. Oh, if your interested in what the 28 Day Challenge is, check out Word of Faith.

I plan to do alot more work than these few I did back to back last night. Im getting alot of positive feedback from friends and associates. Check them out. I hope you enjoy these.


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