More " Good news everyone"

Morning Ladies and Gents. Its been a great week. Just got word back that I will be on Cult Stuffs " H.G. Wells War of the Worlds and the Art of Burlesque." I could not be more grateful to be on this set, we are going to make amazing things happen. Currently I am getting ready for Motor City Comic Con. Knocking out bookmarks, and hopefully we will have even better freebies than at Detroit Fanfare. All in all we will get better every year. I am almost complete with all of Fan Fare Commissions, 200+ phew, what a turn out for the first con. In June I will be back to taking commissions but between Cult Stuff, Sadlittles, Getting ready for Comic Con, Getting Adjusted to DM Comics Guidelines, and Christmas. I may be a tad bit busy :) So thats about it and this journey gets better and better with no ending in sight lol. Well all Good morning and here are some new goods. Thank you all for the support. 


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